A small team will be assisting missions worker Mark Ronald with renovations to school washrooms and ceramic tiling of classroom floors. Work must be done during student vacation periods.
A small team will be continue with electrical upgrades at the mission hospitals at Chitokoloki, Chavuma, and Dipilata.
A small team will be well drilling in villages in the area surrounding Chitokoloki.
A team of 10 will be working with Tim & Christiane Marcy assisting with renovations to three houses on the ministry campus of Komoro Bible Chapel. The need is for masonry, electrical, plumbing, paint- ing, and general construction skills.
A team of 10 will be working with Rob & Ceceila Russell assisting with construction of Sunday School addition to the assembly building at Mercedes. The need is for welding, electrical, masonry, and general construction skills.
A team of 10 will be working with national workers Luis & Doris Resto and missions worker Esther Frey assisting with renovations to the washrooms and camper cabins at Way-Truth-Life Camp. The need is for masonry, electrical, plumbing, and general construction skills.
A team of 10+ will be working with national worker Jaime Severiano assisting with construction of a new building for the local church at Tzoncolco near Rio Blanco. The need is for welding, electrical, masonry and general construction skills.
A team of 10 will be working with missions worker Jim Haesemeyer and national worker Danilo Ayala, assisting with construction of a Sunday School addition for new assembly at Santa Lucia. The need is for welding, electrical, masonry, and general construction skills.
Assisting with interior finishing of a house for a missions worker nurse at the Chitokoloki hospital. The need is for an experienced builder as team leader as well as willing volunteers with electrical, plumbing, masonry, construction and finishing carpentry skills. All building materials are stockpiled on site.
A small team will do well drilling in villages in the area surrounding Chitokoloki. Please note that this team is full.
300-101 400-101 300-320 300-070 300-206 200-310 300-135 300-208 810-403 400-050 640-916 642-997 300-209 400-201 200-355 352-001 642-999 350-080 MB2-712 400-051 C2150-606 1Z0-434 1Z0-146 C2090-919 C9560-655 642-64 100-101 CQE CSSLP 200-125 210-060 210-065 210-260 220-801 220-802 220-901 220-902 2V0-620 2V0-621 2V0-621D 300-075 300-115 AWS-SYSOPS 640-692 640-911 1Z0-144 1z0-434 1Z0-803 1Z0-804 000-089 000-105 70-246 70-270 70-346 70-347 70-410