Project Description

Project Description: Assisting with new construction of a building and cabin maintenance at Campamento Biblico "El Ombu" in Mercedes
Team Leader: To Be Determined
Team Leader Email: (Ted Windle) windlet@yahoo.com
Team Leader Phone: (705) 542-7400
Team Dates: Two weeks in Mar. - Apr., 2025 (exact dates to be determined)
Approximate Cost: $2300 ($850 + Air & Ins.)

Tentative only. Dependent on securing a Team Leader.

A team of 8 will be working with mission workers Rob & Cecelia Russell assisting with construction of concrete/ block building that includes water reservoir, speaker apartment and reception area as well as painting and maintenance of cabins. The need is for electrical, welding, masonry, and general construction and handyman skills. There may be opportunities to preach.