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A team of 10 will be working with missions workers Rob & Cecila Russell assisting with construction of a washroom addition to the dining hall as well as painting and other renovations at El Ombu Camp/Bible School. The need is for plumbing, electrical, masonry, and general construction and handyman skills.

A team of 10 will be working with national worker Javier Lopez and missions worker Esther Frey assisting with renovations & repairs & painting to the Chapel building in San Juan. The need is for masonry, electrical, welding painting and general construction and handyman skills.

A team of 10 to12 will be working with missions worker Jim Haesemeyer and national worker Danilo Ayala, assisting with renovations to various buildings including a new cabin roof at Campamento El Encuentro. The need is for general construction, masonry, welding and electrical skills and general labour. There may be opportunities to preach.