Honduras, Santa Lucia 2019

Project Description

Project Description: Construction of a Sunday School Addition
Team Leader: Rob Armstrong & Jeff Reid
Team Leader Email: rob.armstrong7@gmail.com & jeffdreid@sympatico.ca
Team Leader Phone: 416.452.8180 & 416.402.2763
Team Dates: January, 2019 (2 weeks)
Approximate Cost: $2000 ($850 + Air & Ins.)

A team of 10 will be working with missions worker Jim Haesemeyer and national worker Danilo Ayala, assisting with construction of a Sunday School addition for new assembly at Santa Lucia. The need is for welding, electrical, masonry, and general construction skills.


Team Updates

Team workers needed

Posted on 2018-10-11 20:21:00 by Rob Armstrong
Please consider joining the team in Honduras. here are a few pictures of the project. It is adding a sunday school addition.